Adv. Tzahi Lieberman
Adv. Tzahi Lieberman is a lawyer in the Real Estate Department at Hadad Roth Shenhar & Co. and specializes in a variety of legal fields, including real estate, property law, real estate taxation, infrastructure, tender law, and administrative law.
Adv. Lieberman has extensive experience in advising and representing developers and contractors in numerous real estate projects, including urban renewal projects such as evacuation-reconstruction and TAMA 38 (reinforcement/demolition and reconstruction), combination transactions, option transactions, receiverships, and the sale and purchase of land, including properties managed by the Israel Land Authority.
Prior to joining Hadad Roth Shenhar & Co., Adv. Lieberman served for several years as legal counsel for state-promoted infrastructure projects, including the “Karmei Gat” project in Kiryat Gat and the construction of the light rail in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area (NTA).
Adv. Lieberman has extensive experience in administrative law and tender law, which he gained by providing ongoing legal advice to local authorities and municipal corporations, including drafting and managing numerous tender processes in various fields.
LL.B., Shaarey Mishpat College (2011).